Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000159_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Fri Nov 14 00:26:24 1997.msg
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From: "Adam Parrott" <parrottsoft@usa.net>
Organization: Parrottsoft, Ltd.
To: "James Brown" <amigogcc@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 22:31:19 -0600
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Subject: Ick: Cap'n model.
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> Have you had time/remembered to do that bubba render for me? In case
> youve forgottern, I wanted a picture of bubba pointing his gun up,
> like he was aiming for something in the sky.
No, I hadn't forgotten WHAT you wan't, but yes, recently I have
forgotten. And whilst on this subject (of the Bubba model, Keith):
I have previously said (namely to Keith via IRC and to the List) that
I would be able export my Bubba model to Lightwave (as .DXF) and then
from there save it off as a 3D Studio (.3DS) file. Unfortunately, I
can't. I thought I could EXPORT those multiple formats, but I mixed
that up with IMPORTing them, so, no export, no model (the modeler I'm
using saves it off in its own special format).
If you guys want shots, you'll have to ask me for them (what you
want, and please tell me what I'm format(s) you prefer, optionally
image size and colors, and if you want .zip or .lha).
Keith, James, I'll get you guys what you want. Btw, Keith, what
exactly did you want again? You've asked so many things, I dunno. :)
Communist (n): one who has given up all hope of becoming a Capitalist.
Adam Parrott, personal: parrotta@usa.net, work: parrottsoft@usa.net
Member of Team *AMOS* and the IAPA. http://members.tripod.com/~parrottsoft